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all saints


fusion of poetry & sound




An innovative music and poetry performance series conceived and performed by poet Cheryl Moskowitz and musician/sound artist Alastair Gavin and their guests.

The Sessions feature a changing line up, with a guest poet and musician collaborating with Cheryl and Alastair to create a special one-off performance.

Guest poets have included Matthew Caley, Richard Scott, Dorothea Smartt, Hannah Lowe, Denise Saul, Richard Price, Hannah Lowe, Mario Petrucci, Briony Littlefair, Abigail Parry and Will Harris.

With special lighting, electronics and surround sound audio, the intersections of spoken word & music, voice & soundscape, poetry & song, are explored to create something uniquely atmospheric, immersive and memorable.

Since lockdown we performed online: 9 Apr '20 on FaceBook Live, 13 Nov '20 for Poetry in Aldeburgh, and 27 March 2021 for the British Schools Museum. [All online shows watchable on our video page]. We plan to restart live performances in 2024. To be kept updated with our news please sign up to our newsletter here.